Project kid

Black Cat Candy Bowl

black cat candy bowl for halloween

When it comes to Halloween, I literally can find a way to leave no stone un-spooked. It happens just once a year, so I say, go all out and craft the heck out of it!

This cute slash spooky black-cat candy bowl was inspired by these kitty cat containers that I made earlier this year…just on a grander scale!

You can find the templates on the link above (just resize them to fit your box), and I’ve edited the how-to below!

Here’s what you need:

  1. Paint table legs and round box black; let dry.
  2. Poke 4 holes in the bottom of the box and hot-glue the table legs as cat legs.
  3. Print out templates and resize to fit your box. Trace tail shape twice on felt and the eye/ear shape once. Cut felt pieces out.
  4. Cut out 2 small cardstock triangles and glue onto the ears.
  5. Glue washers to the cat’s face as eyes. Glue black felt slivers on top of washers as pupils.
  6. Glue cat’s face to round box and draw nose and mouth onto the wood, between the eyes.
  7. Cut a piece of wire, about the length of the tail shape. Glue the wire in between the two pieces of tail felt. Glue the tail to the back of the box.

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