Project kid

DIY Beekeeper Halloween Costume


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When we were trying to think of Halloween costumes that could naturally sport a face-mask (because, let’s face it, if your kids are doing anything with other kids on Halloween, even trick-or-treating, face masks are a must!), the idea of a beekeeper came to mind. No, they don’t typically require the face mask, but you can double up with a face mask and face shield if you want to be extra safe (both from imaginary bees and bugs of the viral type).

We started with our clothing pieces from Primary…all you need is just two simple pieces that your kid will be comfortable in! And again, one of the best parts of this costume is that nothing is attached permanently, so they can wear the clothing IRL, post-Halloween.

And of course this beekeeper needs to show off the honey (CANDY!) that he’s collected, so you can make these easy honey-jar candy-carrier from an upcycled oatmeal container.

This is a great DIY Halloween costume to make with your young kids. They will love bringing pom-poms to live as buzzing bumblebees!

What you need:



  1. Cut a black pipe cleaner into 1-to-2-inch pieces.
  2. Glue the pipe cleaners around the yellow pom-pom.
  3. Glue the small black pom-pom to the end of the yellow pom-pom as the bee’s head.
  4. Cut small teardrop shapes from the peach felt and glue onto the top/back of the bee as the wings.
  5. Attach bees to clothing with glue dots.


  1. Paint the hat white (optional).
  2. Hot glue a 6-inch wide piece of tulle all the way around the lip of the hat with the opening in the back.
  3. Use glue dots or hot-glue to attach bees to hat.


  1. Cut 3 long strands of yellow/orange rope or yarn and braid them together. Knot them at each end and hot-glue inside the oatmeal container.
  2. Cut drips out of one color of cardstock and glue them to the top edge of the secondary color. 
  3. Now you need to add the word HONEY to the front. You can write it with a marker, use letter stickers, or cut out the word using your Cricut. Here’s my template here if you’d like to use it (ours was 6 inches wide).  


Thanks to Primary for sponsoring this post!

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