Project kid

Dream Catcher for Kids

diy dream catcher craft kidsdiy dream catcher craft kids


I was so excited when Michaels asked me to guest post on their blog to talk about why and how I craft with kids. Check out the full post over on The Glue String!

Here is one of the projects I made specifically for this post!


How do you wish away your four-year-old’s bad dreams? While there’s no guarantee this will work, it at least gets them to sleep at night (and looks good on the wall)!

What you’ll need:

  1. Paint the hoop and let it dry.
  2. In the meantime, lay a 12-inch piece of embroidery floss on cardstock and apply strips of washi tape over it. Cut out a feather shape, about 4-inches long, making sure not to cut the string. Fringe the edges to look like a feather.
  3. Thread beads over the string. Set aside.
  4. Stretch cotton loops over the inner ring of the painted embroidery hoop to create the dream catcher’s web.
  5. Cut the strings of your feathers to the desired length and use a little piece of washi tape to secure them to the inside of the larger embroidery hoop.
  6. Slip the larger hoop around the inner hoop and tighten the screw.
  7. Hang on your wall with a cotton loop and have sweet dreams!
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