Project kid

DIY Felt Stockings

easy diy felt stocking craft

I agree, sometimes fabric projects are intimidating. What thread to use? How do I thread my bobbin again? What stitch do I use? All of these questions are why I love these two materials…felt and fabric glue. They are easy to work with and do not intimidate!

I made this project for Bluprint…here’s how you do it!

What you’ll need:

Make it!

1. Cut out and glue

Use chalk to draw a stocking outline on one of your large felt pieces, then cut it out. Use this as a template to cut a second, identical stocking-shaped piece.

Once the pieces are cut out, line the edges of one piece with fabric glue and stick the other piece on top. Be sure to leave the top of the stocking free of glue so you can stuff it later!

2. Make the triangles

Take your other felt colors and cut 3-by-3-inch squares. Then cut them in half to make triangles. While you’re at it, cut out one 1-by-4-inch strip of felt, and another strip that’s as long as the width of the stocking.

3. Add the strap

You’re going to need a way to hang this stocking up! Gently lift back the top right corner of the stocking and add glue. Then fold the 1-by-4-inch strip of felt in half and glue it inside the corner to find a loop.

4. Get fancy!

Before you go crazy with the triangles, add a line of glue across the top of the stocking’s front. Glue down the felt strip you cut out for this purpose.

Once the triangles are placed and the glue is dry, flip the stocking over and trim off any excess fabric that’s poking over the edges.

Now arrange the triangles on your stocking and glue ‘em down. (This doesn’t have to be perfect; you’ll trim the edges later.)

Hang it up and bring on the reindeer!

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