Project kid

Instagram Love

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I am so not alone in my love for Instagram. It has definitely pulled ahead as my favorite form of social media. At this point in my life, I have time to look at pictures and not much else!

Some of my Instagram pics are among my favorite I’ve ever taken (like this one of my daugther Sommer at her first music class), and I’m desperate to free them from my digital devices and let them live in my world so I can actually touch them. Here are some great ways to do that…

OrigamiOrigamiLMNOP blogged about Origrami, a service that prints postcard-quality prints of your Instagram photos. And then packages them in that amazing box. I’m doing this. Even if I have to pay shipping from Australia.

I love the way A Beach Cottage arranged Instagram photos of a beach vaca on a wall in the shape of a heart. Because face it, who doesn’t love the beach? And Instagram. So if you are a shutter-happy photographer on one subject, this project will visually link the imagery and colors nicely.

Seriously, this is a dream of mine: a huge frame with hundreds of Instagram photos. If only I had the wall for it. Found via Because I’m Addicted.

Young House Love framed their Instagram photos in jewel cases. Always a fabulous, photograph vehicle. (PS…I’m so proud to share a book publisher with them! How on Earth did that happen?)

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