Project kid

May the Fourth Crafts

star wars cake topper candle light saberstar wars cake topper candle light saber


My son Oliver is SO into Star Wars these days, so this year, May the Fourth finally has some weight in this household! Tonight, I’m planning on surprising him and Sommer with some cupcakes topped with Star Wars figures and their candle light sabers. Photo by Wonderthreads on Instagram.

Here are a few more ideas, perfect for any Star Wars-obsessed kid (or grown-up)!

star wars party ideastar wars party ideaThrowing a Star Wars party anytime soon? Check out these adorable ideas, like a Star Wars photo booth, from Pottery Barn Kids!

How genius are these cookies from Sweet Sugar Belle? Just pull out your Christmas cookie cutters and repurpose them as Star Wars characters and objects.

I’m a huge fan of the paper lantern turned into (blank) and this BB8 latern idea from Desert Chica is fabulous!


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