Chopsticks are not just for Kung Pao Chicken anymore…(okay, except for a few.)

Wouldn’t it be great if these chopsticks actually did write? Sadly, it’s just design. Via LMNOP, available for purchase at Pearl River.
Chopchucks are the brainchild of my very clever, and mostly irreverent, brother-in-law. As the site says: Never again will you be left vulnerable to random violence while eating Asian food.
I love Danny Seo’s attempt to make his own scent diffuser with chopsticks. Check out his (humorous) instructions at Daily Danny.
This dude made a canoe out of 7,382 chopsticks. For reals. Check it out on Geekologie.
Set a cup of these in the middle of your table for a Japanese dinner party. Lovely! Found via Aesthetics of Joy.