Project kid

Nesting Doll Cuteness

Russian dolls, nesting dolls, matryoshka dolls, babushka dolls…who knew there were so many names for these cute collectibles?

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How cute would your reminders be with these nesting doll post-its from Nothing Elegant.


Babushka doll fabric by Mikodesign. Check out her Etsy store for more cute items.

Paint your own set of teeny matryoshkas. Buy a set at Romp.

You can even wear ’em in your hair. Made by Fluffs Stuffs, found on Bluelines.

Have you ever forgotten which is bigger, a Megabyte or a Gigabyte? Never wonder again with these Byte Nesting Dolls found on Craziest Gadgets.

If your love of these dolls is that strong, visit Nesting Doll Square in Manzhouli, China.

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