Project kid

Spirograph Crafts

As I’m working on my craft book, I’m trying to summon craft ideas from my youth and give them a modern spin (no pun intended; read on). I came across these spirograph gift tags on Pinterest today (via Nadel & Gabel) and spiraled down a little memory lane trip. I am clearly not the first person to have found the spirograph images inspiring and super modern!

EmmaCleine-hero-spirograph-pillowEmmaCleine-hero-spirograph-pillowThese lovely pillows are a mix between spirographs, doilies, and sunflowers. Via The Design Files.

An entire wedding decor was inspired by the spirograph. Check out this post on Design*Sponge to see how they didn’t miss a single detail.

This hand-stitched bag makes my head spin. Via Pinterest.

Spirograph flower notecards. Of course! For sale at Mimosa Cards on Etsy.

I love everything going on in this photo. I want those plates, and if you speak Dutch, will you tell me where I can buy them? Via Style Cookie.

A perfect marriage of two awesome 80’s crafts…spirographs and shrinky dinks! Via Clean & Scentsible.

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