Pin Collection Pin Board

As any accessories lover knows, once you start collecting enamel pins, it’s nearly impossible to stop. But when your collection outgrows the lapel of your denim jacket, it’s a shame not to find another way to show them off.

This DIY solution is easy to execute and offers endless possibilities for customization: Choose a frame size that fits your collection, and a paint color that suits your style.

Find the original post on the Etsy blog!

Step 1: Remove the frame backing and glass from your frame. Spray paint the frame in a well-ventilated area. Let dry completely.

Step 2: Trace the frame backing onto the cork placemat and use a utility knife to cut along the lines.

Step 3: Hot glue the cork to the cardboard and place the whole thing inside the frame.

March 10, 2016| Decor, DIY Home, Everyday Crafts, Jewelry and Fashion, Organization, Styling
