Cute DIY Spiders

Halloween crafts are the best…you have so many choices between the spooky, the cute, the gory, and the magical. Here, we went for cute and happy! This DIY spider craft is such an easy one…the kids will love stringing beads onto the pipe cleaner legs!

You can choose to add more or less beads to the spiders legs to create fun, colorful patterns!

What you’ll need:

1. Paint wooden knob and bead with paint and let dry.

2. Thread 8 beads onto 4 pipe cleaners, spacing them out every inch or so. Leave a slightly bigger space between bead 4 and 5 for the body.

3. Glue pipe cleaner into wooden knob and twist the 4 pipe cleaner legs together around that pipe cleaner.

4. Slip wooden bead over the pipe cleaner and glue in place. Trim the end off the pipe cleaner sticking out the front of the bead.

5. Draw on eyes with black marker.

October 23, 2015| Halloween, Holidays
