Turn Gloves into Monsters

Now that winter is over and spring cleaning is upon us, you likely have some lone gloves who lost their mate in the last sledding excursion of 2021. You have three options here…first, you can hold onto that glove, hoping that one day the other will magically reappear. Second, you might be the “out of sight, out of mind” type and you just get rid of the sad lone glove. And third, if you are like me, you’ll keep it and turn it into a fun craft.

The how-to for this recent project can be found over on Camp.com! And for other ideas of past glove monsters, check out this post from a few years back!glove monster craft for kids

April 12, 2021| Early Elementary, Everyday Crafts, Jewelry and Fashion, Older Elementary, Tween to Teen, Winter, Yarn & Fabric
