Make Your Own Cardboard Typewriter
| Decor, Everyday Crafts, Kids Rooms, Older Elementary, STEM, Tween to Teen, Upcycled
I have a thing for outdated tech…a wall-mounted rotary phone with a cord? Give me them all. Film cameras with bellows? I can’t resist. Typewriters? Yes and yes. And some might say that crafting one out of cardboard is as useful as owning a vintage one—neither actually work so why not design your own?
I made this super-fun DIY cardboard typewriter for (where you can find the full how-to instructions). In order to make one, you kind of have to be a recyclable hoarder—a shoebox, a paper towel roll, a cereal box, and some jar lids. Hop on over to for the list of craft and upcycled supplies!
Who knows? This may be the start of the next great American novel!