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| Decor, DIY Home, Everyday Crafts, Grown-Up, Nature

I am finally back from the beach…it was a kid-filled week of sand, sun, and seashells.

I always collect shells, but never actually do anything with them. Here are some good seashell crafts…ones that I could actually live with!


These easy-to-find shells make great butterfly wings. Found via The Long Thread.


What a gorgeous reminder of a beach week! Shell candles from Country Living.




Turn shells into a garland and I’m in love! Both images found at Completely Coastal.

Whole thing

If you find a lot of beach loot that doesn’t exactly match, this is a great solution. Found via The Crafts Dept.




Poppytalk found these very cool French illustrations, teaching shell crafts.

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Life’s A Beach

| Grown-Up, Nature

I’m at the beach with my husband’s family, and while much creativity is happening all around me (more on that later), I’m feeling like having a lazy beach/blog day. Here is some great beach inspiration, all found on The Bean and the Bear (she must have vacation on the mind too!).

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Via Pink Wallpaper


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Bardot by Halsman via Exchange tiny waist for pregnant belly, and that’s me! 😉

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Indoor Swings

| Decor, DIY Home

I’ve always wanted a indoor swing, and I think finally I live in an apartment that can accommodate one (at least one for the little one on the way). Here is the beginning of my hanging chair research…



Handmade Charlotte blogged about this adorable swing that doubles as a rocking chair. Wish list item number one.


For a more stable child, Ikea has this simple swing for the bargain price of $14.99.



I love this Lincoln Log style indoor swing. Found on Ouno blog.



Anything made from wool felt goes on my list. I love these German swings by Mohr Polster. Found via Ohdeedoh.



And just for fun, this swing is, in fact, a necklace! I love how Huck Finn it looks! Found on Minor Details.

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Caving for Craft Kits

| Early Elementary, Everyday Crafts, Gifts, Older Elementary, Tween to Teen

Just like I’m not big on boxed parties (except these), I’m not a huge fan of craft kits. I’d rather give kids a table of fabric scraps, pipe cleaners, glue, and a pile of magazines and see what they invent, rather than giving them a picture to follow. But there’s always an exception to the rule, especially when it comes to good design and packaging.


This really isn’t a kit exactly, but more like a goody bag of tools that encourage a child’s imagination. Developed by Karen Kimmel, the canvas bag includes different organic-like stencils and colored pencils, with no instruction book. I’ve seen kids in action with these tools, tracing, layering, and rubbing to create masterpieces. Visit Kimmel Kids to find retailers near you.


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Even though the kits by The Little Experience are rather directed, they are are just so darn cute! And bonus, each box comes with instructions of how to turn it into a prop that accompanies each craft.


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The vintage packaging of these Wild & Wolf kits just sends me. I spotted these at the Stationery Show this week and I can’t wait to see them on shelves in the US.

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DIY Ruffles

| Decor, DIY Home, Everyday Crafts, Grown-Up, Jewelry and Fashion

Ruffles are so in…were they ever really out? And lucky for us, they are easy to DIY. Here are three ways to use ruffles in your life.


How About Orange gathered together this great collection of ruffle how-to’s. Check out her robust list of DIY ideas.


I always touch ruffle pillows in stores…they are just so, well, touchable. Here’s how to make your own from Kelly + Olive via Say Yes to Hoboken.



A cork board gets girly with a ruffle embellishment! Found on Design Mom, made by Fresh Nest.

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Tiny Chairs for Tiny People

| Decor, DIY Home, Early Elementary, Preschool, Toddler

I have a thing for little chairs. My husband can’t quite understand it, but indulges me about 1 out of 5 times when the buying mood strikes. Here are the newest and greatest that I spotted at ICFF.



These adorable kids’ folding chairs are made from cardboard tubes and recycled plastic. Made by Hecmec, a very cool Japanese company.

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Alan Heller designed a kids version of this awesome stool, that promotes controlled, jiggly movement while sitting. Visit ErgoErgo to see products.


Thelermont Hupton, the genius company behind the saw horses from yesterday, designed this amazing stool that also allows for movement while sitting. I love how they look like crayons coming out of the ground.





You can add a plush cushion or just flip over the Tingle stool by Luxx Box for versatile seating. They also showed their product, 1Eighth, a stackable wall-like module that makes for creative spaces for kids. Or you can flip one over to make a toy box.



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Tatolino is a fun chair that promotes an active lifestyle, says their website. This is one of my favorite products from the show. This child’s seat becomes so many things: an interactive toy, a wheely cart, and a super-cool lounge.

There is an exhibition at the Museum of Childhood in London called Sit Down, all about kids’ seating. I think a trip across the pond is in order.

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Amazing Kids Furniture

| Decor, DIY Home, Early Elementary, Preschool, Toddler

We are back from Brimfield (more on that later), and today I experienced the opposite of the biggest flea market in the country: yes, ICFF, The International Contemporary Furniture Fair, a showcase for the best and newest in contemporary design. This deserves a few posts, but I’ll start with the great kids’ product I saw.

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If this Me Too Magis Paradise Tree weren’t $756, it would be mine in an instant.


Again by MeToo by Magis, I fell in love with this modern cardboard play house, Villa Julia.

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Chaise + Toy chest = Brilliant. By Igloo Play.



Someone finally invented the real sawhorse. These amazingly adorable ones are by Thelermont Hupton.


“A tree becomes a book and a book becomes a tree,” says Shawn Soh, the designer of this amazing bookcase.

This is only skimming the surface of today’s finds…stay tuned.

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Time for French Crafters

| Decor, DIY Home, Everyday Crafts

There are very few craft magazines (at least good ones), but there is one that tops the entire genre: Marie Claire Idees. If you don't know it, you need to (and I assume you are a lover of the handmade if you are reading this blog). When the newest arrives on my desk, I carefully plan when I am going to devour it. I took French in high school, so I can get the gist, but the pictures are good enough for me sans text!

They've added a page in the front of the magazine highlighting their contributors (at least I think that's what it's about). Here are a few blogs to look at…


From File Etoile de Lin


From Douce Etoile


From Dentelles Oxydees.

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Time for Brimfield

| Decor, DIY Home, Gifts, Parties

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Sunday is our one year wedding anniversary, and my husband and I are spending the weekend in the best way we know how…we are going to the Brimfield Antique Show in Massachusetts! Seriously, nothing can make me happier…new home, spring weather, baby on the way—I plan to score big time! My friend Katie Brown calls it the Field of Dreams; you have to go to understand why!

Photos via Apartment Therapy.

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Time for Colorful Living

| Decor, DIY Home

I swear, it's impossible to get bored with home design these days. From brooms to bowls to lamps, whatever color you fancy, it can be yours…


Have you ever been so attracted to cleaning supplies? Products by Rice, found via Chroma Lab


I would love a few of these lamps hanging together in my nursery. By Rie Elise Larsen, found on Eat Drink Chic



Simple design, gorgeous colors. Found on Minor Details

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Alice Supply Co. makes every bit of housework happier.

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