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First Blog Post Ever

| Everyday Crafts

Lg_thehour This is a terribly strange feeling, talking to absolutely no one. I feel like Christian Slater from Pump Up the Volume preaching without the certainty of anyone listening.

A quick (and short) history of The Violet Hours, as it pertains to me, the writer. I have worked for many years crafting, writing, and creating for other people, and this is my first forum to craft, write, and create for me. We’ll see where it takes me.

My title comes from an old book by Bernard DeVoto called The Hour—a humorously written book about the cocktail of all things. But the Violet Hour specifically refers to twilight, or the more commonly known concept of happy hour. It’s that fertile time when people are rushing home, when the work day is complete, and time becomes your own to drink, to read, to craft, to breathe.

So…welcome to The Violet Hours, or, rather, thanks for adding me to your already full blog line-up.

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