
June 1, 2010
Decor, DIY Home, Everyday Crafts, Grown-Up, Nature

I am finally back from the beach…it was a kid-filled week of sand, sun, and seashells.

I always collect shells, but never actually do anything with them. Here are some good seashell crafts…ones that I could actually live with!


These easy-to-find shells make great butterfly wings. Found via The Long Thread.


What a gorgeous reminder of a beach week! Shell candles from Country Living.




Turn shells into a garland and I’m in love! Both images found at Completely Coastal.

Whole thing

If you find a lot of beach loot that doesn’t exactly match, this is a great solution. Found via The Crafts Dept.




Poppytalk found these very cool French illustrations, teaching shell crafts.


Life’s A Beach

May 26, 2010
Grown-Up, Nature

I’m at the beach with my husband’s family, and while much creativity is happening all around me (more on that later), I’m feeling like having a lazy beach/blog day. Here is some great beach inspiration, all found on The Bean and the Bear (she must have vacation on the mind too!).

Picture 3

Via Pink Wallpaper


Via 20×200 : Print Information : Praia Piquinia 27/08/09 15h17



Bardot by Halsman via Exchange tiny waist for pregnant belly, and that’s me! 😉


Indoor Swings

May 24, 2010
Decor, DIY Home

I’ve always wanted a indoor swing, and I think finally I live in an apartment that can accommodate one (at least one for the little one on the way). Here is the beginning of my hanging chair research…



Handmade Charlotte blogged about this adorable swing that doubles as a rocking chair. Wish list item number one.


For a more stable child, Ikea has this simple swing for the bargain price of $14.99.



I love this Lincoln Log style indoor swing. Found on Ouno blog.



Anything made from wool felt goes on my list. I love these German swings by Mohr Polster. Found via Ohdeedoh.



And just for fun, this swing is, in fact, a necklace! I love how Huck Finn it looks! Found on Minor Details.


Caving for Craft Kits

May 21, 2010
Early Elementary, Everyday Crafts, Gifts, Older Elementary, Tween to Teen

Just like I’m not big on boxed parties (except these), I’m not a huge fan of craft kits. I’d rather give kids a table of fabric scraps, pipe cleaners, glue, and a pile of magazines and see what they invent, rather than giving them a picture to follow. But there’s always an exception to the rule, especially when it comes to good design and packaging.


This really isn’t a kit exactly, but more like a goody bag of tools that encourage a child’s imagination. Developed by Karen Kimmel, the canvas bag includes different organic-like stencils and colored pencils, with no instruction book. I’ve seen kids in action with these tools, tracing, layering, and rubbing to create masterpieces. Visit Kimmel Kids to find retailers near you.


Picture 14  TLE3054

Picture 16  TLE1015

Even though the kits by The Little Experience are rather directed, they are are just so darn cute! And bonus, each box comes with instructions of how to turn it into a prop that accompanies each craft.


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The vintage packaging of these Wild & Wolf kits just sends me. I spotted these at the Stationery Show this week and I can’t wait to see them on shelves in the US.


DIY Ruffles

May 20, 2010
Decor, DIY Home, Everyday Crafts, Grown-Up, Jewelry and Fashion

Ruffles are so in…were they ever really out? And lucky for us, they are easy to DIY. Here are three ways to use ruffles in your life.


How About Orange gathered together this great collection of ruffle how-to’s. Check out her robust list of DIY ideas.


I always touch ruffle pillows in stores…they are just so, well, touchable. Here’s how to make your own from Kelly + Olive via Say Yes to Hoboken.



A cork board gets girly with a ruffle embellishment! Found on Design Mom, made by Fresh Nest.
