Crafty Chopsticks

April 15, 2010
Decor, Everyday Crafts, Food, Grown-Up, Older Elementary, Parties, Tween to Teen

Chopsticks are not just for Kung Pao Chicken anymore…(okay, except for a few.)


Wouldn’t it be great if these chopsticks actually did write? Sadly, it’s just design. Via LMNOP, available for purchase at Pearl River.



Chopchucks are the brainchild of my very clever, and mostly irreverent, brother-in-law. As the site says: Never again will you be left vulnerable to random violence while eating Asian food.

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I love Danny Seo’s attempt to make his own scent diffuser with chopsticks. Check out his (humorous) instructions at Daily Danny.



This dude made a canoe out of 7,382 chopsticks. For reals. Check it out on Geekologie.



Set a cup of these in the middle of your table for a Japanese dinner party. Lovely! Found via Aesthetics of Joy.


Unique Cake Toppers

April 14, 2010
Food, Grown-Up, Holidays, Parties, Tween to Teen

As my husband and I were moving to our new apartment, we sort of admitted to each other that we were on the verge of being hoarders. (Have you seen that show? Heartbreaking.) We just have so much stuff; when we see interesting things at flea markets, thrift stores, and the like, it pains us to leave them behind. Just like these 2 sets of interesting cake toppers…

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I found these amazing Celebration Toast Glasses at an antique market near Blairsville, Georgia. The box says “add charm and distinction to any occasion”. Love it. And I found the tiny wire candle holders at Tinsel Trading. Okay, not a flea market, but they are a vintage trinket nonetheless. Here they are in action…

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So many ideas for the toast glasses! Dessert wine, champagne, a little flower…I’m obsessed!


It’s a perfect sized candle for a cupcake!


How about a little toothpick with fruit as a topper? Seriously, the crafty options are endless. Have you made a great topper? Tell me!


Tiny Things, Big Ideas

April 13, 2010
DIY Home, Food, Gifts, Nature

This post is dedicated to my womb friend Traci (our moms were besties while pregnant with us). Since we were little, she’s always been obsessed with itty bitty things.




You have to watch this whole slideshow from The New York Times on Modernist dollhouses. I could seriously live in any of these rooms. In fact, I have that Saarinen chair in that exact color combo. If only I were 4 inches tall…

Bucket of kisses

Bucket with a kiss

Ahhhh…teeny Hershey kisses! Mayamade wrapped chocolate chips with foil and inserted a little white tissue paper.



Traci and I both heart this mini-terrarium jewelry! By Woodland Belle, found via Handmade Charlotte.


DIY Talking Napkins

April 12, 2010
Decor, DIY Home, Everyday Crafts, Food, Holidays, Parties

I love the idea of making your own napkins for a special occasion. Yes, you have to be a dedicated crafter/entertainer, but all you need really is iron-on transfer paper, freezer paper, or stencils. (Or, if you are very serious, you can embroider. But that is not for the faint of craft.)

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I love everything about these! By Emersonmade, found via Party Perfect.


Yes, a little more time consuming, but I couldn’t resist. If you don’t want to embroider, find an embroidery font and do an iron-on transfer. Via Apartment Therapy.


Perfect for a holiday or small wedding, turn napkins into place cards. (They used fabric markers.) Via Country Living.


A love note for your sweetie, found via Design Mom.


Kill two birds with one stone with menu napkins. Found via Country Living.


Book Invitations

April 9, 2010
Everyday Crafts, Grown-Up, Parties

Our dear friends Aaron and Lindsay are getting married in May. They came to us months ago (and by us, I mean my husband and me) with the idea that they wanted to send books as their invitations. We all tossed around a bunch of ideas for a bunch of weeks, and here is the end result…




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The bride and groom spent weeks collecting books, and refused to pay more than a dollar for any of them (a good thing since they had to send out over 90 of them). My very talented husband designed the printed matter, and I consulted on things like the pocket, the rounded corners, the ribbon, the wax seal, etc. We love the way it turned out, as did they!

Here are a few other book invites that caught my eye…



Jordan of Oh Happy Day designed this lovely invite for the now (sadly) defunct Cookie Nesting Blog. It was for a bookworm party for kids. So cute! (Read her post for her defense of cutting up a book.)





This is positively the most ambitious book invitation I’ve ever seen…they actually made the books. They began with the story of the bride and groom, and towards the end of the book, the reader would find the wedding invite and the perforated reply card. So much time and love went into these. I tip my hat to Nikki and Nick. Found on Merriment Design.
