A rather unusual blog post title today, but bare with me. I think I’m on to something. I saw these gorgeous trays from Feinedinge on Pinterest today, and it made me think—how cool would it be to have a dinner party where every place was set with one of these trays, full of bowls of delicious bites? How gorgeous would that be? And then I thought that €220 was a little steep for one place setting, so what are other alternatives? (I would have posted photos of my collections but I’m currently in Atlanta, visiting family.)
Divided cafeteria trays are totally underrated. They are great for a kitschy dinner party or even a little craft party where all supplies are served on the tray. You can buy these gems on Moxie Thrift’s Etsy store.
Have you ever seen these amazing buffet plates from the 60s? Some call them luncheon plates. I have 2 sets of them where the little cup fits right in the plate, next to the ashtray. Yes, you heard right. Sign of the times. What should I serve in the ashtray at my party? For sale here.
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What is it about clothelines that feel so romantic, ephemeral, and dreamy? I totally grew up with a dryer and living in Park Slope, Brooklyn, I can’t exactly string my clothes up to the adjacent building. But I crave those sweet little wooden pins, the cotton rope, the gauzy cotton flowing in the breeze…
I love the mix of 2D and 3D clothing on this line to decorate a girl’s bedroom. Found via Studio Tout Petit.
A clothesline comes in handy when you need to erect a tent. Via P-olaroids.
Clotheslines work as perfect inspiration boards because they are so changeable. Found via Pinterest.
I love everything about this little artistic collage of stitching, fabric, embroidery hoops, and a clothesline. By Stephanie Kelly Clark, via Hiving Out.
Ordinary Parent featured this super adorable way to mark your child’s month-age.
Give me a wooden ladder, a chalkboard, tags, a rusted metal urn and a clothesline and you had me at hello. Via Style Me Pretty.
Ok, it’s February 13th and you know what that means. Procrastination must turn to action—now! Valentine’s Day is just minutes away and it’s time to get resourceful and use what you have. You’re at work with no craft supplies you say? Fear not—these last-minute Valentines can all be made from “borrowed” office supplies from your desk drawer.
Grab some Post-it notes and after your love falls asleep, arrange them in a heart-shape on the wall of your bedroom or living room. If you really want points, write all the reasons you love him on the the backs. It’s okay if you don’t have a gorgeous array of colors like these from The House that Lars Built. See below…the effect is still totally presh.
This is a Blik wall decal, but can easily be replicated with Post-it notes! Via Brooklyn Bride.
You probably don’t have heart stickers laying among your legal pads, but just grab a marker and draw a heart or write I LOVE YOU on some Avery mailing labels. Easy peasy. These cute stickers are from Inspire Lovely on Etsy.
Ok, no Post-it notes or plain labels on hand? Tacks, cardboard, and binder clips make cute little frames for your kids’ artwork. Via Martha Stewart.
As I’m working on my craft book, I’m trying to summon craft ideas from my youth and give them a modern spin (no pun intended; read on). I came across these spirograph gift tags on Pinterest today (via Nadel & Gabel) and spiraled down a little memory lane trip. I am clearly not the first person to have found the spirograph images inspiring and super modern!
These lovely pillows are a mix between spirographs, doilies, and sunflowers. Via The Design Files.
An entire wedding decor was inspired by the spirograph. Check out this post on Design*Sponge to see how they didn’t miss a single detail.
This hand-stitched bag makes my head spin. Via Pinterest.
Spirograph flower notecards. Of course! For sale at Mimosa Cards on Etsy.
I love everything going on in this photo. I want those plates, and if you speak Dutch, will you tell me where I can buy them? Via Style Cookie.
A perfect marriage of two awesome 80’s crafts…spirographs and shrinky dinks! Via Clean & Scentsible.
The topic of business cards keeps coming up in my life these these days, and yet practically, they seem so antiquated. I mean, I can bump my phone to another and exchange contact info, so why spend the time and money to craft or print a little card that possibly ends up creased at the bottom of your purse?
Well, when you see a good business card, it makes a lasting impression, and it can really identify your brand in a big, creative way. Plus, no one would dare throw it away. If you dismiss business cards as an analog, dated form of social networking, think again.
If you’re of the crafty sort, study this photo within an inch of your life. These are business cards that The Proper Pinwheel collected at Alt Summit. I’ll need to start planning mine now for the summer event in NYC.
Peal back the painters tape to reveal the contact info for a stand-out paint service company.
An interior designer should only have fabric business cards like Francesca Pasini’s.
This post makes me want to write a whole book on crafts to do with paper cups. As I was stumbling upon these, I started searching for crafts that I swore had to exist and they didn’t! But the overwhelming amount of genius paper-cup animal crafts was staggering. Who knew?
I can’t even contain my dropped-jaw expression for these artful paper cup animals by Gautam Datta. You also have to see how he crafted Hindu divinities from paper and cups. Amazing.
I found these on Pinterest, but there’s no source from where they came. Sad. Because they are beyond the beyond. The winking bunny sends me.
Yes, this last one from Handmade Charlotte has a Christmas slant, but how smart is it to cut up straws to make antlers on a reindeer cup? Love. Love. Love.
I think February is usually the month when I say “I’m done with winter. Gimme green. Now.” Thank goodness I married a guy with a green thumb, or else I’d really be hungry for plant life. There are so many clever ways to incorporate plants into your decor these days.
This gorgeous light fixture/planter blows my mind. Via Design Vagabond.
I have 2 jean jackets in my closet that I can’t seem to part with. I kind of love the idea of using the pockets for a planter. Via Small Home Love.
Did you know you could turn an old lightbulb into a planter? How enlightening! You can use your trusty glue gun to add three small dots to the base to make it stand on end. Via 1 800 Recycling.
I do love my old typewriter, I do, but it just sits on a shelf under my desk and takes up space. How cool is this planter idea? And by the way, have you seen the digital magazine, Covet Garden? It’s gorge.
Check out more cool planter ideas here. Clearly it’s where my mind goes in February.
My favorite way to celebrate Valentine’s Day is in the unexpected. Seriously, you can really keep it simple with a big impact.
Add a little red food coloring to milk and freeze it in heart-shaped ice-cube trays. There is not a kid on this planet (or adult) that wouldn’t blush over a little love with their milk and cookies. From A Subtle Revelry.
A little more effort (and a bit of skill) goes into this little Valentine’s Day surprise. Just stitch a little red heart under his collar, so he’ll see it when he’s tying his tie in the morning. (Sadly my man wears a tie only at weddings, funerals, and bar mitzvahs. And the occasional geek-chic-under-the-sweater-vest-look.) Via Pinterest. (For the more casual dude, you can just embroider a heart on the inside of the pocket flap comme ça.)
The effort put forth in this cute heart-balloon-in-the-closet surprise from Oh Happy Day is primarily a pulmonary effort. Maybe go for the smallest closet in the house.
Oh yes. Indeed you can even hide a heart in a cupcake. By Sky Blue’s Kitchen.
Oh Happy Day (yes again) went as far as to make a heart stamp for these cute cups, but really just grab a red marker and do it freehand. A little hot love on the morning of February 14th is a darn good thing.
Little surprise, big smiles. Will someone forward this post to my husband? xoxo
Getting back into the swing of work on a Monday morning never gets easy (especially the day after hosting a super bowl party). Is there any way to solve this eternal dilemma? Probably going to bed early on Sunday night, eating a healthy breakfast, or exercising at the break of dawn? Nah. Not gonna happen. Maybe some crafty office supplies to look forward to? Yep. That should do it.
Dress up your thumbtacks with nail polish like these from The Modcloth Blog.
Glue corkboard into embroidery hoops and then paint for a poppy wall display. It’s okay to hang an excel spreadsheet from one of these, really it is! By Signed by Tina.
Go ahead, take a few minutes and turn your paper clips into hearts. It never hurts to spread a little love around the office on a Monday morning. By How About Orange.
It’s not so hard to take apart your staper and give it a little facelift like this color-blocked one from Design for Mankind.
I got roped into throwing a last minute Super Bowl party, and I’m scrambling a bit for what to make, do, craft, etc. I’m going with the traditional menu of high-caloric, greasy foods that includes wings, Lipton’s onion dip, and my husband’s Saltine Surprise (basically, it’s milk chocolate melted over buttered saltine crackers—he’s famous for it). But I refuse to accept a cheesy aesthetic that can be bought at Party City (not that I have anything against the amazing party superstore). So here’s my attempt at a tastefully crafted Super Bowl soiree!
I have to cover my table with something, so why not make a little football field? I’ll probably go with brown butcher paper, white tape, and white sticker numbers since I have all of those on hand. Photo via Parents.com.
Unless you have enough beer koozies for everyone, coasters are a must. I love that I can download these chic, vintage designs from Design*Sponge. Designed by Fawnsberg.
And this might be the cutest Super Bowl craft to date. Make your own little “finger” finger puppets in the team colors for the kids. By the talented Kendra Smoot for Holidash.
I will never claim to be a sports fan, but I throw a mean party. Enjoy!