May 4, 2010
DIY Home, Everyday Crafts
I'm seriously hoping that it's time for the flowers. But raindrops are a darn cute design motif, don't you think?
A cute wall decor for a bathroom, right? Found on Seesaw Designs. Design by Chroma Lab.
A sweet rainy day craft activity found on Say Yes to Hoboken.
How fun would it be to style these photos like this one? Check out the others on Vintage for Kids.
I love the simplicity of design here. And the slightly offbeat color scheme. By Priss Designs.
Is there anything better than a sewn paper garland? By Kate Greiner.
I love paintings on old book pages. This was made on an old French dictionary. By Wall Envy Art.
May 3, 2010
Everyday Crafts, Nature, Parties
This is possibly the most random post subject ever, but once I saw the images from Jan Messent's Knitted Gardens (found on Vintage for Kids) I went on a search for more knitted flora and fauna.
It's like a little garden for a dollhouse. So beyond amazing!
I may need to get my mom (she's a knitter) started on this project stat! From Wary Meyers, from the 1978 book, the Needleworker's Constant Companion.
These knitted flower sculptures by Tatyana Yanishevsky remind me of the Venus Fly Trap from Little Shop of Horrors.
My mom needlepointed (not knitted) this flower for the ring pillow at my wedding. She had a pillow made from fake moss and the rings tied on with the ribbon.
It’s been a tough week, and I’m so sorry for my slight absence. To leave you dreamy and inspired this weekend, here are some beautiful decorations that will make you want to just lay down and look up!
Sew strips of colored vellum together to make these lovely mobiles. By Oh Happy Day!
I love this photo display, spotted on You are my fave.
How dreamy is this bedroom? Found on Design Mom.
This gorgeous object is made of paper cranes. Available for sale at Tas-ka.
April 27, 2010
Decor, DIY Home, Everyday Crafts, Grown-Up, Holidays
Today I had the great pleasure of working with the uber-talented stylist/crafter/foodie Paul Lowe, the genius creative behind the blog Sweet Paul (and in case you are wondering, the adjective is very accurate).
Paul is originally from Norway and brings that very specific Scandinavian sensibility to his work: clean, romantic, delicate. Here are a few crafty highlights from his blog…
April 26, 2010
DIY Home, Everyday Crafts
Sorry for the radio silence on Friday…I was en route to Palm Springs for the most amazing crafting weekend put on by Kimmel Kids. More on that later.
I grew up with a crayon-obsessed mother. She would always buy anniversary “collector” sets in triplicate; one for me, one for my sister, and one for herself. Apparently, these collectibles would make us rich one day…I should really look into cashing those Crayolas in! Now for some impressive crayon finds…
Steve Von Worley created this chart which shows the evolution of Crayola’s crayon box colors over time. We definitely now live in the generation of options. Found via Black Eiffel.
Deciding which images to show from Chrisian Faur‘s amazing oeuvre was really tough. These are incredible. No need to say more.
These crayons were carved into the symbols of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. Found via The Bored Ninja.