Circus Inspiration

March 16, 2010
Grown-Up, Jewelry and Fashion, Parties

I’ve felt very inspired lately by circus iconography…the striped canvas tents, the food-on-a-stick cuisine, the here today, gone tomorrow transience of it all. Here are some lovely finds that have contributed to these recent daydreams…


Super-fun circus tent ring found on Handmade Charlotte. (From Old Gold Boutique via Eat Drink Chic—a new blog for me that I cannot wait to explore!)

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Sometimes getting the Anthropologie catalog is better than getting a real magazine. I’m duly impressed by this art direction and this woman’s balancing act.


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And lastly, I simply can’t get enough of stationer Eunice Moyle’s whimsical wedding featured in Martha Stewart. She is from Hello, Lucky! and spared no creative moment on her wedding. Simply outstanding! Found via You are my fave and Inchmark.


Slip Into Slippers

March 15, 2010
Decor, Grown-Up, Jewelry and Fashion

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Okay, really, it’s seriously time for warm slippers. It was the rainiest, most abusively awful New York weather this weekend, causing me to arrive home after every outing (and unfortunately, I had many required ones this weekend) with sopping wet shoes and a broken spirit. Yes, it was that bad.

So it really, really made me want a fresh pair of slippers to, er, slip in to. I found these Collégien knitted ones a few weeks ago on LMNOP, and then saw them again today. No joke, there are over 100 patterns and you can get them in both kid and adult sizes. Photo They are machine washable and have a non-slip, aerated sole. If you know where to buy them in the States, please let me know!

P.S…Here is a classic scene that all New Yorkers will recognize: the umbrella graveyard on the street corner. How many did you lose this weekend?


Silhouettes That Slay

March 11, 2010
Decor, DIY Home, Everyday Crafts, Gifts, Grown-Up

Just when I think I’m over them, I come across a reinvention of this classic that slays me. So this post just had to be done. No matter how over silhouettes you may think you are, prepare to get back in…

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This brilliant wall installation is by Color Me Katie. Found via A Little Sussy.


I love the playfulness of pattern here. Found on Art that Fits.


Brooke from Inchmark announced her pregnancy with this thoughtful, beautifully made family tree for her parents. She very cleverly added a third child in her lineage.


DIY His and Hers pillow shams, found on Apartment Therapy.


Silhouette cookies from Martha Stewart. Cookie cutters made by Victor Trading Company. Found via Ohdeedoh.


Two in a row from Martha, but I couldn’t resist this amazing Halloween decoration. I mean come on!


13 Ounces (or less)

March 10, 2010
Gifts, Grown-Up

Did you know that you can send virtually anything through the mail under 13 ounces for just a dollar and some change? Now I’m not talking about your run-of-the-mill box or envelope, I’m saying anything. Giverslog has deeply invested in this experiment and has even started a Flickr group for others who would like to give our friends at USPS something to chuckle about.


Three pink rubber balls wrapped in cellophane weigh 13 ounces or less.


Just slap a label on a frisbee. It most def weighs less than 13 ounces. It cost $1.73 to mail.


Junior Mints…my number one movie candy pick!


A rainbow delight of sticky notes can go through the mail just like this.

Visit to follow her adventures under 13 ounces…
