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DIY Badge Button Pins

| Everyday Crafts, Father's Day, Gifts, Jewelry and Fashion, Mother's Day, Parties, Upcycled, Yarn & Fabric

This project from my first book Project Kid was born out of two memories/bits of info. Curious? Read on.

Just want to make them? Scroll down for the how-to!

  1. I used to work at a sleep-away camp, and we had a game called Hula Baloola, and the tag line was, where everyone’s a winner! So I made these decorative award ribbons with no number, no place, and no gold, silver, or bronze affiliation. They make a great gift for a mother’s day gift where you can write a name, add a heart, etc.
  2. I had a t-shirt that had a screen print of a 2nd place ribbon in the top left shoulder area, where a name tag would go. When people asked me why it was a 2nd place ribbon and not 1st, I’d say because you took home first place. Cheesy? Sort of.

And now for what you really care about…

What you’ll need:

  • Drink-bottle caps
  • Cotton balls
  • Solid fabric
  • Hot-glue gun
  • Glitter glue (available at Michaels Stores)
  • Grosgrain ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Pin backs
  • Tacky glue


  1. For each badge, glue cotton balls into the recessed part of a drink bottle cap. Glue three to four in a larger cap, and two to three in a smaller one.
  2. Cut a circle of fabric large enough to wrap around the bottle top, lay the top in the center of the fabric, cotton-ball side down, and glue the fabric to the back (top) of the cap.
  3. Decorate the front of the cap with glitter glue in any pattern.
  4. Cut a 3- to 4-inch piece of ribbon, fold it in half to form an upside-down V, and glue the fold to the back of the cap. Glue a pin back just above the ribbon. Wear it proudly.
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DIY Rope Snake Craft

| Animals, Everyday Crafts, Nature, Toys, Wood

What do you get when you mix rope, duct tape, and a bamboo spoon? Snakes, obviously! These little guys appeared in FamilyFun magazine a few months ago…click this link to learn some other cool animal crafts to make with rope!

What you’ll need:

  • duct tape
  • 1/4″ sisal rope
  • floral wire
  • bamboo spoon
  • black marker


1. Have your child stick two 8-inch strips of colored duct tape (we used two different colors for each snake) onto parchment paper. Using scissors, cut them each into 12 1/2-inch strips.

2. Cut a 42-inch piece of 1/4-inch sisal rope into 3 equalpieces. Gather them together and sandwich a 14-inch piece of floral wire inside the bundle of rope. Peel a strip of duct tape off the parchment paper and wrap it around the middle of the rope and wire, then wrap 2 strips in the other color on either side. Repeat as desired along the whole length of the body.

3. Cut off all but 1/2 inch of the handle of a bamboo spoon. Tuck the end inside the ropes, secure with tacky glue, then wrap with duct tape. Use a marker to draw eyes onto the back of the spoon. Fold a strip of duct tape in half lengthwise, and trim to 1/4-inch wide. Cut a V for the forked tongue, then tape to the inside of the spoon.

4. Secure the snake by wrapping an 8-inch piece of tape around the end of the rope bundle.

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DIY Cactus Sneakers

| Everyday Crafts, Jewelry and Fashion, Nature, Summer

DIY cactus sneakers for kids craft

When asked me to come up with on-trend sneaker decorations, I knew a cactus pair of shoes had to be made. These desert dwellers are popping up in all manner of DIY, home decor, and fashion, so I was determined to figure out a quick and easy way for kids to design their own sassy succulents…finger-stamping!

What You Need:

cactus sneakers diy

  • White canvas sneakers
  • Newspaper
  • Green ink pads, suitable for fabric
  • Fabric markers
  • Green fabric paint and paintbrush (optional)
1. First, fill the shoes with newspaper to create a taut surface for your art. Have your child use his fingers to stamp green, intersecting ovals on the shoes to resemble a prickly pear cactus.
2. Outline the ovals with a green fabric marker together.
3. Have your kid draw small black x’s on top of the green ovals with a fabric marker.
4. Let him finish off the cacti by drawing small orange flowers on top.
5. Paint shoelaces green with a watered-down green fabric paint (optional).
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DIY Ice Cream Sundae Sneakers

| Everyday Crafts, Jewelry and Fashion, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Summer

diy ice cream sneaker craft kids

School is out (or almost!) for summer! And just like kids get their new pencils and backpacks before the start of school, summertime brings fresh, new sneakers for warm weather activities.

I made three fun sneaker projects for kids to do with their parents that can be found over on, and these Sundae sneaks are the first that I’ll share here at Project Kid.

Head over to Ebay and check out all of the fun craft ideas they are serving up for summer!

Ice Cream Sundae Shoes

What You Need:


1. Help your child draw an ice cream shape on the front of each shoe using a pencil. Leave white space at the toe for “whipped cream.”
2. Have the child paint the shape. Here, we chose pink. (Crafter’s tip: Be careful around the rubber edges of the shoes. Wipe off the paint immediately upon contact — or, to be extra careful, tape them off first.)
3. From the bottom of the ice scream scoop to the heel, have your child paint each shoe a very watered-down camel hue to match the color of an ice cream cone.
4. While the cone is drying, add several dots of glue to each white toe and together add bugle beads as sprinkles.
5. Once the paint is dry, draw intersecting brown lines over the cone sections. Hold a ruler in place for your child to trace for more precision if desired.
6. Lace sneakers, then stitch two pom-poms on either side of each shoelace as the cherry (this is best for a parent to do).
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Painting with Rubber Bands

| Everyday Crafts, Kids Rooms, Uncategorized


Sometimes my kids come into my craft room, fiddle around, touch everything they can get their hands on, and beg to make a project. While I have a ton of materials at my disposal, sometimes in the midst of developing new work, I can’t just clear the canvas and start an in-depth craft at the drop of a pom-pom.

So that’s when I grab for simple, mark-making projects like these. Using rubber bands and a few other household items that everyone has, you can make three different painting tools that will yield surprisingly clever results.

Rubber-Band Stamps

  1. Cut small rectangles of cardboard, a bit larger than the circumference of the rubber band that you’re using.
  2. Lay a rubber band down on a protected surface, apply glue to the top edge, and set a cardboard rectangle on top of it. Let dry.
  3. Gently press the rubber band stamp onto the ink pad and stamp onto a piece of paper.


Rubber-Band Roller

  1. Stretch five to eight rubber bands around the tape roll
  2. Roll the tape roll in a thin layer of paint or on an ink pad and then roll it onto a piece of paper to create multiple stripes.


Rubber-Band Paintbrush

  1. Gather six to eight rubber bands at the end of a pencil and wrap another rubber band around them to secure.
  2. Dip the rubber bands into paint and use like a paintbrush.


Excerpted from Project Kid by Amanda Kingloff (Artisan Books). Copyright Š 2014. Photographs by Alexandra Grablewski

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Dream Catcher for Kids

| Decor, Everyday Crafts, Kids Rooms, Styling, Yarn & Fabric


I was so excited when Michaels asked me to guest post on their blog to talk about why and how I craft with kids. Check out the full post over on The Glue String!

Here is one of the projects I made specifically for this post!


How do you wish away your four-year-old’s bad dreams? While there’s no guarantee this will work, it at least gets them to sleep at night (and looks good on the wall)!

What you’ll need:

  1. Paint the hoop and let it dry.
  2. In the meantime, lay a 12-inch piece of embroidery floss on cardstock and apply strips of washi tape over it. Cut out a feather shape, about 4-inches long, making sure not to cut the string. Fringe the edges to look like a feather.
  3. Thread beads over the string. Set aside.
  4. Stretch cotton loops over the inner ring of the painted embroidery hoop to create the dream catcher’s web.
  5. Cut the strings of your feathers to the desired length and use a little piece of washi tape to secure them to the inside of the larger embroidery hoop.
  6. Slip the larger hoop around the inner hoop and tighten the screw.
  7. Hang on your wall with a cotton loop and have sweet dreams!
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Spring Leaf Wreath

| DIY Home, Everyday Crafts


Originally posted on the Etsy blog….

Wreaths have a reputation for being all about holidays: Spooky styles greet Halloween’s trick-or-treaters, harvest motifs welcome Thanksgiving dinner guests, and come Christmas, decking the door with boughs of holly is the order of the day. But despite their undeniable holiday appeal, wreaths can add a lot of life, love and creativity to your door during the spring and summer months, too. No official holiday needed!

For further proof, check out this bright, botanical DIY wreath. It’s made with spring and summer seasonality in mind; floral spray paint and silk leaves mean it stays fresh from year to year. I used neon colors and high-impact stripes to create a tropical vibe for this project, but you can use the same technique with your choice of colors and patterns – from polka dots and zig-zags to color blocking and Memphis-inspired shapes. Get creative!


You will need:


Step 1: Cut about ten 8×4-inch pieces of fabric and hot glue them around the wreath form tightly, overlapping to cover it completely.


Step 2: Starting with the largest leaves, tape 20-24 leaves onto the scrap paper, creating a striped pattern on each one.


Step 3: Smooth the tape down over the surface of the leaves and spray with paint. Let dry.


Step 4: Hot glue the leaves around the covered wreath, positioning each one on a slight diagonal. Continue all the way around, overlapping them until you have covered the form.


Step 5: Repeat the same technique with the smaller leaves and a second color of paint (I used yellow). Once they are dry, hot glue them on top of the first layer, working all the way around. Next, paint 6 to 10 leaves with a third color (I used orange) and intersperse them among the layer of small leaves.


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May the Fourth Crafts

| Everyday Crafts, Parties


My son Oliver is SO into Star Wars these days, so this year, May the Fourth finally has some weight in this household! Tonight, I’m planning on surprising him and Sommer with some cupcakes topped with Star Wars figures and their candle light sabers. Photo by Wonderthreads on Instagram.

Here are a few more ideas, perfect for any Star Wars-obsessed kid (or grown-up)!

star wars party ideaThrowing a Star Wars party anytime soon? Check out these adorable ideas, like a Star Wars photo booth, from Pottery Barn Kids!

star wars cookies

How genius are these cookies from Sweet Sugar Belle? Just pull out your Christmas cookie cutters and repurpose them as Star Wars characters and objects.

bb8 paper lantern

I’m a huge fan of the paper lantern turned into (blank) and this BB8 latern idea from Desert Chica is fabulous!


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Springtime Nature Scavenger Hunt

| Nature

project kid babo botanicals nature days

It’s about a month late, but spring has finally sprung in New York, and we have taken to the park as though it were our backyard. It’s truly my one sadness of living in such an urban environment…that I have to travel to nature. But on the flip side, our local park is so grand and expansive that we really get to hike through trails, pathways, and across meadows.

And when we go to the park, we really GO to the park…I try to do all I can to prevent my kids from saying “Mommy, I wish we had brought _____!” We pack multiple snacks, blankets, games, extra clothes, sunscreens (we are in love with the new Babo Botanicals line), and sunglasses for all.

nature scavenger hunt egg carton

Since this was really our first campout day in the park, I decided to make it extra special. I’m always trying to find a way to get my kids to look up, down, and all around them, so I designed this nature scavenger hunt to encourage the 360 degree view. It’s designed for preschool-aged kids and older, both readers and pre-readers.

nature scavenger hunt project kid

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Printed template
  • Empty egg carton
  • Scissors
  • Tape


How to assemble and play:

  • Print out the template and cut the full rectangle.
  • Tape the rectangle to the top of the egg carton.
  • Give each kid or team of kids a carton for the scavenger hunt. Send the kids out to find objects that match the pictures on the carton, having them collect objects from nature that match the pictures, words, or descriptions on the carton top. Encourage the kids to pick things off the ground that have fallen or that are weeds. And if your little one finds a red gum wrapper for the red category, then great! It teaches a good less in litter clean-up.


egg carton scavenger hunt

Oliver was very studious about matching his loot to the photos, while Sommer just filled her carton with yellow dandelions.

nature scavenger hunt

After running around collecting sticks, dandelions, and leaves, we enjoyed our picnic, reapplied our sunscreen, and relaxed on this beautiful day.

nature park babo botanicals project kid

babo botanicals project kid

This post was sponsored by Babo Botanicals, and received the products compliments of Babo Botanicals as part of the PreenMeVIP program.

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Penguin Book End

| Everyday Crafts, Upcycled

penguin book end craft eco recycle

It’s Earth Day and now, more than ever, we really need to sit up and pay attention. So after you reuse your Ziploc bags, turn off unnecessary lights, and vote the right people into office, I say take a break and craft.

This year, celebrate Earth Day with your kids by making a cute, and also useful craft project. This penguin book end reuses a drink bottle, a lone baby sock, and a Tyvek shipping envelope. This one comes from my first book, Project Kid.

What you’ll need:

• One 17-ounce plastic drink bottle

• 2 to 3 cups of sand

• Funnel

• 1 baby sock

• 4 to 5 cotton balls

• White and yellow felt

• Scissors

• 2 tiny black pompoms (available at Michaels Stores)

• Tacky glue

• One 2.-inch piece of wire

• One 2 cm felt bead (available from

• 1 Tyvek envelope

• Washi tape

• 2 colors of yarn

Make it:

  1. Clean out the bottle and remove all labels. Fill it with sand and replace the cap.
  2. To make the penguin’s head, stuff the baby sock with cotton balls and slip it over the top of the bottle.
  3. To make the eyes, cut two circles about the size of a plain M&M from white felt. Glue a tiny black pom-pom to each. Glue the circles onto the sock.
  4. To make the beak, fold a piece of yellow felt and cut a 1⁄4-inch triangle on the crease. Glue the crease onto the sock about 1⁄2 inch below the eyes.
  5. To make the earmuffs, bend the wire into a headband shape. Cut the felt bead in half and glue a piece to each end of the wire, rounded side facing out. Slip the earmuffs onto the penguin’s head and glue to secure.
  6. Cut two wing shapes (pointed at one end, cut straight across on the other) from the Tyvek envelope, about two-thirds the height of your bottle and about 3 inches across at the widest point. Cover the wings with strips of washi tape and glue the top, straight edge of each wing around the neck of the bottle.
  7. To give the penguin a scarf, braid three 20-inch strands of yarn (the finished scarf will be about 16 inches long). If the yarn is thin, you may want to double or triple it  to give it some thickness.
  8. Finally, to make the feet, fold a 3-inch square of yellow felt in half and cut a 2-inch-tall half heart shape on the crease. Glue it to the bottom of the bottle, rounded points facing out.


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