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Stair Decor

| Decor, DIY Home, Grown-Up

Stairs used to be just a means to an end. No longer. The staircase is a real blank slate for design-lovers to go wild. Here are a few of my faves…


For the true artist, this ombre technique is so gorgeous. I really don’t think I’d ever tire of living here. Via Martha Stewart.


I love this use of coordinating wallpapers. Via Serena & Lily.


I saw a ton of striped stairs in doing this search, but I love the simplicity of this image. It reminds me of the vintage grain sacks that make great pillows. Via Faded Plains.


I’m not the hugest fan of the word steps, but if you’re going to do it, write something in a foreign language. Oh, and do it as a mosaic while you’re at it. Via Blog Deco Maison.


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Christmas Lights, Reinvented

| Decor, DIY Home, Everyday Crafts, Holidays

Why do they have to be called Christmas lights? Tiny lights on a string are simply tiny lights on a string and can be used for countless projects, crafts, and decor ideas. Don’t pack up your lights this year. Instead, try one of these great ideas!


Ok, I know everyone has seen this photo from the now defunct Blueprint magazine, but this idea is still a genius one. Poke holes in a canvas and push the small lights through to make a lovely, glowing piece of art. Probably best resting on a sideboard because the cords would make it hard to hang. Via Apartment Therapy.


We don’t all have an abandonned boat sitting in our backyard, but if you do, this is an imaginiative way to give it a sail. Via Completely Coastal.


I love how the glow really illuminates the pattern on the origami paper. Thin paper is ideal for this so the light really shines through. Via Spoon & Tamago.


Extra boxes + twinkle lights = this amazing construction. The perfect post-holiday idea that uses two things that you have at your fingertips. Via Pinterest.


And there’s nothing wrong with dolling up a blank wall with a little twinkle. It’s warm and a lovely way to fill space inexpensively.

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Butcher Paper Gift Wrap (part 2)

| Everyday Crafts, Gifts, Grown-Up, Holidays, Tween to Teen

Brown paper packages tied up with string…you know the rest. I love ’em, and so do you apparently, because this is one of my most popular posts.

Here are a few more ideas all using dots as the design element. Perfectly timed for this holiday season.

Office dots. Pure and simple, and in florescent colors, so very au courant. By Chelsea Fuss at Frolic.

I love how they used the dots to form the tree and two triangles to make a star; using white makes it very cool and modern. Via Not on the High Street.


The mix of twine and big white dots is simple and lovely. Via Trendenser.


I love the idea of just wrapping a circle garland around a brown box. Take it off and hang it on the wall! Via Good Day Sunshine.

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Homemade Play-Doh

| Everyday Crafts, Family Bonding

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I know there are tons of recipes for homemade play-doh all over the Internet, but I feel I need to express how amazing it is. Ok, so maybe amazing is a little strong of a word, but it was super-fun to make with my son 2-year-old son Oliver. Plus, the immediacy of not having to go to the store was glorious on a Sunday morning. We used this very easy recipe from Modern Parents, Messy Kids.

You will need:
  • white flour – 1 cup
  • warm water – 1 cup
  • salt – 2 tbsp
  • cream of tartar – 2 tbsp
  • cooking oil – 2 tbsp
  • Jello – 1 3oz pack
  1. Mix all of the ingredients together in a small saucepan. Even though it makes for a longer process and a lot more clean up, let the little ones do the measuring and mixing. Keep mixing until most of the lumps are gone.
  2. Cook over medium heat, stirring continuously until it thickens into a ball of dough. This step does take a little while. Just keep stirring, you’ll know it’s ready when won’t be able to stir anymore.
  3. Once it has finished cooking, place the dough onto a silpat mat or floured cutting board and wait for it to cool.
  4. Once it is cool (at least 20-30 minutes) let the little ones knead it, adding in flour until it is no longer sticky (about 1/2 cup). At this point, you can add in extra food coloring to make the colors more vibrant, or even add glitter. 

This recipe makes a lot of play dough. You could easily half the recipe, and there would still be plenty to play with. When you are finished playing, store in the refrigerator in an airtight container. It will keep for at least a few weeks in the refrigerator, with daily use. If at any time it starts to be a little sticky, just add more flour.

Here are photos of our fun morning in the kitchen!

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A Belated Halloween Costume Post

| Baby, Everyday Crafts, Holidays

I know it’s December, and our heads are way into gingerbread and tinsel, not ghosts and goblins, but I really wanted to share photos of my daughter Sommer’s homemade Halloween costume. At 7 months, it was obviously her first time celebrating October 31st, and she needed to come out with a bang. She was a vintage synchronized swimmer (is there really any other kind?).

The pilot’s cap is from Hanna Andersson. I cut up a $1 lei from Party City and hot glued the flowers to cover the cap. Then, I glued tiny pom poms in the center of each flower. She wore tights, a tank top onesie (the closet thing to a bathing suit that fit her in her closet) with flowers glued around the neckline, and a cardigan (had to keep her warm).

Here is my favorite photo of her…coming up for air.

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A 2D Christmas Tree

| Decor, DIY Home, Everyday Crafts, Holidays, Nature

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I’ve seen a lot of space-saving ideas over the years, but never have I seen a holiday one quite this ingenious. This Christmas tree fabric from Ikea is ideal for the city (or suburban) dweller with either little space, a distaste for the traditional artificial tree, or an intolerance for cleaning up pine needles.

A few other uses come to mind:

  • At $6.99 a yard, let the kids paint their ornaments onto it.
  • Poke holes and push LED xmas lights through for a lovely nightime effect.
  • At your holiday party, hang edible gingerbread men on it and let it serve as part of your dessert buffet.

And if you miss that seasonal smell of pine, just go out and buy Mrs. Meyer’s Iowa Pine cleaning products. I swear to you it’s the real deal.

Images via Oh Happy Day, Cote Maison, and Babble.

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A New Leaf

| Everyday Crafts, Grown-Up

Two kids under the age of two plus a full-time job equals an eternal ponytail, stock in under-eye concealer, and less time for my blog. But this is changing…


I got a book deal! I’m thrilled to announce that my kids’ craft book will be published by Artisan in the Spring of 2014. I’m thrilled/proud/crazed/nervous/giddy about their enthusiasm for my work. (Artisan has published books by the amazing Design*Sponge, Thomas Keller, Lucinda Scala Quinn, the Novogratz’, and Susan B. Anderson. I am in humbling company.)

This means that I am now working full-time on my book, but I have remained at Parents as a contributing editor, so you will likely still see my name (and doodles) on the pages of the best parenthood publication around (if you haven’t seen it lately, pick up a copy…it looks better than ever!).

This also means that my blog will come back to life with new ideas, observations, and musings over crafting, motherhood, and any place where those two things mingle.

I’m happy to be back in action and hope that my readers will find their way back!


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Designer Tents

| DIY Home, Nature

For some reason—with designer everything—no one has ever thought to make designer tents. These tents by Field Candy are just that. Unless you are camping in a spot with grizzly bears, why not have a tent that stands out?

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{found via the Cool Hunter}

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Lovely Store-Bought Halloween Costumes

| Early Elementary, Halloween, Older Elementary, Preschool, Toddler, Uncategorized

Now is the time to figure out what the Halloween costume deal is going to be this year. It’s a tough one, and I can now say that I know this first hand being a mom now. I do hear it gets even harder when kids actually start to have an opinion. I’m going to enjoy what is probably my last year of full costume control with Oliver.

If crafting is not your thing, you don’t have to resort to the vinyl costumes in a bag. Check out these stylish costume ideas that will last for years in the dress up bin…

Kalon studios, the amazing company that makes Oliver’s crib, is selling these gorgeous handmade masks by Amelia McIsaac. All five designs have been handmade from wool from Ameila’s own sheep and plant-dyed from her own garden.


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Puzzle Rugs

| Decor, DIY Home, Early Elementary, Preschool, Toddler, Toys



Have you seen these amazing rugs by Youlka Designs of France? They are pure eye candy, and I’m sure any kids would just love to take all the pieces out (and never put them back in!). So while I’m tempted, I think it’d be a housekeeping nightmare.

But function follows form, right? Right.

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