DIY Tic Tac Toe Game

March 20, 2020
Activities, ad, Early Elementary, Everyday Crafts, Older Elementary

DIY tic tac toe game kids

This post was sponsored by P-touch Embellish ELITE.

We are a gaming family through and through…we love it all from board games to video games to card games to the classics like chess, checkers and tic-tac-toe. We love solo play and some healthy competition, so we definitely have a game closet that’s filled to the brim.

diy homemade tic tac toe game

Tic-tac-toe is a classic that you can play with your little, little kids, and it’s even fun to watch the older kids play it with the younger. We teamed up with P-touch Embellish ELITE to craft a simple, portable version of this classic game. What’s the best part of crafting your own rendition of tic-tac-toe? You don’t need to marry yourself to the classic Xs and Os…explore the hundreds of symbols that the P-touch Embellish ELITE offers. It’s so fun to let the kids choose their own symbol pairings!

Here are some fun pairing ideas:

  • Mouse and Cheese
  • Sun and Moon
  • Soccer ball and Sneaker
  • Music note and Guitar
  • Shirt and Pants
  • Airplane and train
  • Strawberry and Apple

We made our game board on a fabric bag so we could take it on the go, but you can apply the 1-inch wide tape or ribbon to any surface you have.

What you need:



1. Print out Xs and Os on the 1-inch wide P-touch Embellish tape. Print your font as large as possible; this font was printed at 48pt. You’ll need twenty-four Os and thirty Xs (X always goes first in the game!). Trim off the necessary excess to make them fit on the 1-inch block, and adhere the printed tape to the blocks on all six sides. (Remember…if you don’t want to do the classic X and O game pieces, you can choose from the hundreds of symbols that the P-touch Embellish ELITE offers!)


2. Print out four 8-inch pieces of ribbon using the pattern of your choice.


3. Adhere a dash of fabric tape to the ends of each and fold them over to prevent fraying.

4. Adhere a long strip of fabric tape up the entire length of each ribbon, and then adhere them to the bag in the typical “#” shape. Put your playing cubes in the bag for a cute, mobile tic-tac-toe game!

homemade tic tac toe game


10 Toilet Paper Tube Crafts

March 18, 2020
Activities, Early Elementary, Older Elementary, Preschool, Tween to Teen, Uncategorized, Upcycled

molly moo toilet paper tube crafts for kids

This is a hard and fast rule in my house: Never, ever, EVER throw away toilet paper tubes! Or paper towel tubes for that matter. Basically all cardboard has a second life around here. Toilet paper tubes provide such a wide variety of bases for crafting, and I really believe you can never have too many! And actually, if you ever run out, don’t fret! You can actually buy naked tubes now and they are super sturdy and perfectly shaped with no straggling toilet paper residue!

Here are ten of my favorite toilet paper tube crafts but some of my favorite crafters out there!


meR mag caRdboaRd llamas

I love the simplicity of these toilet paper tube llamas by Mer Mag.


toilet papeR ice cream cones

There’s no one better than my friend Jodi Levine of Super Make It when it comes to toilet paper tube crafts!



tube knitting jodi levine

Another one from Super Make It…this one uses the tube to help you knit these amazing finger puppets!


ABSTRACT toilet paper tube sculpture

Paint tubes in various colors, cut slits in the sides, and use them as building blocks like Picklebums did.


windmill toilet paper tube craft

One Little Project did some simple engineering to make this cute windmill spin!


flying plane project kid toilet paper tube craft

Attach this plane to a string and watch it fly across the room. From my book, Project Kid: Crafts that Go!


toilet paper tube crown craft for kids

Cut and painted with a cute Frenchy style, I love the crowns from Hello Wonderful!


animal toilet paper tube crafts

These artful little sculptures by Ukkonooa feel like they leaped right out of a storybook!


molly moo toilet paper tube crafts for kids

These Molly Moo cats have such a personality!


miro toilet paper tube sculptures craft for kids

Art Camp LA really took these tubes to a high art level, creating Miro-inspired sculptures.


8 Process Art Projects

March 16, 2020
Activities, Age, Early Elementary, Everyday Crafts, Family Bonding, Grown-Up, Older Elementary, Preschool, Toddler, Tween to Teen, Uncategorized, Unplugged Time

process art projects for kids in quarantine

At Project Kid, our mission is to open kids’ eyes to different ways of crafting. We want kids to think outside the aisles of a craft store and really explore to find their materials to help them build and design something that they can play with, wear, use or even just display (I mean, it’s art, right?).

watercolor painting with kids process art

But today I want to talk a little bit about process art which has a different focus. I love Meri Cherry’s definition:

Art that’s all about the making and the doing, rather than the finished product. Process art doesn’t mean there isn’t an amazing product at the end. There very well could be. It just means that’s not really the point. We’re trying to get kids and their adults to find value in making and doing, where they are making decisions, taking risks, thinking outside the box, taking their time, working with challenges, cultivating connection, and building empathy. Those things are the point.

meri cherry sculpture

I have always struggled with sharing projects that have such nit-picky instructions because I worry about kids’ fear of failure. When I wrote the draft of my first book, I kept all of the instructions very loose and open, hoping that parents would be encouraged to let their kids make decisions. But as editors do, they were afraid that parents would get frustrated with the lack of specificity, so I added the details back in. As much as possible, I always say—make it your own! Make choices! My way is not THE way, it’s just how I was feeling that day!

Here are a few of my favorite process art masters and some prompts and projects that you can pepper into the crafting that you do with your kids.

This post contains affiliate links!


process art self portrait

This is the perfect activity…all you need is a Sharpie, watercolor paints, paper and you! Once the permanent marker outline is down, you can paint over with the watercolor and let the colors flow! Image via Meri Cherry. I love the idea of doing these at least once a year to see how kids’ self-image changes.


process art sculptures kids craft project

Another gem from Meri Cherry are these delightful, open-ended sculptures. I’d suggest using Aleene’s® Tacky Glue to really hold it all together. But with oil pastels, paint, and gluing on little doodads, each one comes out totally original. And there’s no pressure to attain a certain skill level…this project (like most process art), really meets there kids where they are.


painting with feet stick painting

This idea from Art Bar Blog is genius. Tape markers or paint bushes to a stick from outside (or dowels if you have them), and tape paper to the floor. Challenge the kids to make some art by holding the sticks with their toes!

stick drawing with markers on sticksYou can let them just run wild or give them prompts that will result in some hilarity…like “draw a self-portrait” or “draw what you want to eat for dinner” or “draw your favorite vacation spot.” They will most like giggle though it but you’ll all be amazed at the results!


how to make an envelope city

I adore this project from Art Bar…it reminds me of an envelope house project that appeared in my first book! When a child can see that the shape of a traditional object references something else, that’s when my heart sings…like how an unfolded envelope looks like a house.

wood craft stick people

Color some of the wide wood craft sticks to look like people and set up a little play village! Markers, crayons, or oil pastels work just fine on these!


This looks like such fun! Hello Wonderful filled up squeeze bottles with tempera paint and then dragged a squeegee across to make this gorgeous, abstract painting.

rainbow squeegee process art painting

I think this abstract painting is frame-worthy, and you can also cut it up to make postcards, gift tags, or shapes to make a pretty garland.


The only thing you may not have already in your home for this one is clear contact paper—get it! There are so may creative ways to make the contact paper collages from Art Bar…I want to get started immediately! Magazine clippings, cupcake liners, string, newspaper, or paper scraps of any kind!

contact paper collage materials

Just let kids put their materials down on the contact paper (sticky side up of course) like it’s a big piece of scotch tape. It’s probably a good idea to use some paper masking tape to hold the contact paper down to the table so they don’t get frustrated with it curling up on itself. The end results are so varied and fabulous!


flower pot paintings katie vernon

I love how Katie Vernon cut up old paintings to make new assemblages. If your child makes something that she really rejects, encourage her to look at it another way. Maybe it was meant to be a different shape? Maybe it was meant to have eyes painted on it to turn it into a monster? It’s so hard talk them off the ledge when they insist on bad-mouthing something that they made, but there are so many ways to reconfigure what we create into something new. (Also, how beautiful is Katie Vernon’s work?)


sticker process art

There is no denying that stickers are fun. I love this idea from Tinkerlab of drawing a frame and using office stickers, available online or any office store, to create an abstract composition. Consider adding some drawing lines to connect shapes and give the piece some different line weights.

Definitely explore the websites of these creative women for endless ideas! The beauty of process art is that I think you as parents or caregivers will be inspired to start playing around with materials in experimental ways!



4 Old Clothing Crafts

March 14, 2020

monster puppet diy craft for kids

If your Amazon shipment of craft supplies (click here for my list of essentials) hasn’t arrived yet, you’d be surprised that you have some fun materials in your closet that can work as a great starting point. And when we say closet, yes, we mean your clothing closet! Raise your hand if you have a lone sock, missing its mate. Or a single glove? Or a t-shirt that has a pesky stain? Or jeans that are too grungy to donate?

Here are four crafts that you can make using defective clothing items that you have laying around the house.


DIY glove puppet craft for kids

At least twice a year my kids come home, complaining that they lost a glove. I always keep the lone ranger in the hopes that the other one will reappear, but alas, I end up with a bag of single gloves. Raid your craft bin and use anything you can find to add personality to your glove monster puppet—the wackier the better! We recommend using Aleene’s® Tacky Glue to keep everything nice and secure. Click here to find the instructions for the blue puppet!


penguin book end craft for kids upcycled diy

Do you have any itty bitty baby socks left over from the early days? If not, you can always just cut off the toe of a cute sock to make the head of this penguin book end. Upcycle a plastic bottle as the base, and fill it with sand or pebbles to keep it weighted. You can find the instructions for this craft here.


diy hobbyhorse craft for kids

This project has a bit more heavy lifting for the parents, but it makes such a cute result and you’ll feel so proud of the work you’ve done. If you don’t have cotton batting at home, you can always empty out an old pillow (that you didn’t know what to do with!) and use that. You can find the instructions for this here.


diy jewelry craft for kids project t-shirt

I always end up with a pile of t-shirts that have holes or stubborn stains that aren’t suitable even for donation. But the colors and patterns are so great, so cut them up to make jewelry! Here’s how to do it…

  1. To make a beaded necklace, cut T-shirts into strips as thin as possible, 1⁄4 to 1⁄2 inch wide. The strips should be at least 2 inches long.
  2. Glue the ends of each strand together, then slip on a bead to cover each joint. Use a toothpick to help thread the fabric strips through the bead holes. Add a dab of glue at each point so the bead stays in place. Repeat to reach the desired length, and then knot.
  3. To make a tassel necklace, cut a 1-inch wide- by-2-inch-tall piece of T-shirt and fringe it vertically. Roll it horizontally and glue the unfringed end into the hole of a bead. (Use the toothpick to help get the fabric into the bead.)
  4. To finish the tassel necklace, glue the ends of two 10-inch-long T-shirt strips into the other hole of the bead. Knot in the back.


DIY Denim Hobbyhorse

March 14, 2020
Animals, Everyday Crafts, Grown-Up, Older Elementary

diy hobbyhorse craft for kids

Giddy up and get crafting to make this adorable denim hobbyhorse from old jeans!

What you’ll need:

• Old kids’ jeans, about a size 4

• Scissors

• Seam ripper (optional)

• Rubber band

• Batting

• T wine

• Brown felt

• Hot-glue gun

• 2 small black buttons

• 2 large colored buttons

• Long stick

• Bandanna


  1. Cut the jeans in half vertically, through the fly. Remove both back pockets (a seam ripper makes this a bit easier) and set aside.
  2. Turn one leg inside out. Rubber band the ankle tightly, then turn the leg right-side out. Fully stuff the leg with batting.
  3. To create the horse’s head, tie the center of a 4-foot-long piece of twine around the leg about 3 inches from the rubber-banded ankle, wrapping it two or three times. Knot the twine and then bend the stuffed pant leg and wrap the twine around the thicker part of the leg (the horse’s neck). Tie in a knot, leaving the remaining twine to hang off the back as reins.
  4. Cut a 3-inch-wide piece of brown felt, about 24 inches long. Cut a 1-inch-deep fringe along each long edge (leaving about an inch intact in the center). Have an adult apply a line of hot glue in the center and fold the felt strip in half.
  5. Have an adult hot-glue the edge of the fringed mane down the center of the horse’s head and neck, in between the two pieces of twine.
  6. Have an adult hot-glue each small black button to a larger green button and hot-glue in place as eyes.
  7. Fold the outside edges of each jean pocket to form an ear shape and have an adult hot-glue the ears on either side of the mane.
  8. Insert a long stick into the bottom of the horse’s neck and wrap tightly with the bandanna, making sure to seal in all of the batting. Giddyup!
